MSD Staff Help Desk
Welcome to the Moraga School District Help Desk for network and computer support. Please note that MSD staff and employees can open a HelpDesk ticket for tech assistance only from within the school district at any MSD computer. To do so you will need your regular MSD user name and password.
Click here to open a HelpDesk ticket from inside the MSD Computer Network.
Employees outside the MSD network can use the MSD Remote Access to open a Help Desk ticket . To do so the computer you're using will need to meet minimum operating system and basic software requirements.
If you're in need of assistance and you're outside the district network, please email. A ticket will be created within the ticketing system and we will assist in a timely manner.
If you need immediate technical assistance, please contact the Help Desk line at (925) 386-6466 between the hours of 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday.