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The Moraga School District’s Elementary Physical Education Department’s primary goal is to develop students’ fundamental movement skills with a strong emphasis placed on personal fitness, health and well-being.  Physical Education not only teaches to the psychomotor learning domain, but the cognitive and affective domains as well.  We strive to have every student experience success and ultimately, for all students to develop a lifelong love and commitment to physical fitness.  Additionally, our program places emphasis on always giving oneself’s personal best effort and teaches students that sportsmanship and teamwork are very important not only in PE, but in real life situations too.


Teaching and integrating life skills and social skills is integral to the elementary physical education program.  Personal and social responsibility, self-directed learning and problem solving skills are reinforced continually throughout the K-5 physical education curriculum.  Life skills are ultimately the foundation on which we build a community of learners in Moraga, and as such, opportunities to teach and develop those skills in a PE setting is an invaluable experience for our students.  The life skills emphasized and integrated into the MSD curriculum are as follows:
  • Listening skills while teacher/other students are speaking
  • Keeping hands/feet and objects to oneself
  • Sportsmanship (Exuding a positive attitude in all competitive situations; Reacting appropriately when on the winning side of a competitive situation)
  • Having consideration for other students/skill levels
  • Maintaining a positive attitude toward ALL learning experiences in PE
  • Commitment to giving one’s personal best effort in all activities (despite skill level/interest level)
  • Initiative to do more than is required
  • Work with determination and fortitude on tasks
  • Exude a positive attitude in events of unexpected changes to PE plans (inclimate weather/activities postponed and or cancelled
  • Willingness to work with all students in class
  • Willingness to play a different position/join an opposing team to fill a gap
  • Commitment to following game play rules--even when teacher is not watching
  • Being honest even when it comes with consequences
  • Resist peer pressure and speak and act from their own values and beliefs
  • Willingness to work together with all peers regardless of social, emotional and learning differences
  • Work in harmony with classmates and teacher
  • Assist classmates when advice is needed
  • Mediate differences quickly and effectively
  • Commitment to improving one’s own skill level, knowledge and behavior
  • Returning PE equipment to agreed upon places
  • Treating PE equipment with respect/care so that it remains useable for future classes/grade levels
  • Accepting responsibility for negative actions
  • Standing up for others who have been rudely or unfairly treated/bullied
Problem Solving
  • Working together to create solutions in challenging situations and problems
  • Asking advice from classmates and/or teacher when needed


Students in grades 1-5 participate in Fitnessgram Physical Fitness tests every Spring. For more information on the Healthy Fitness Zone Charts FitnessGram.
Joaquin Moraga 6th-8th grade PE website.
kids doing jumping jacks