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Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee



Measure V Committee Measure D Committee
Kathy Ranstrom Sean Creedon
Patrick O'Brien Sameer Pangrekar
Greg Norton Michael Seitler
Mike McCluer Jack Weir
Nick Carpenter Ben Rojas
Stefanie Galizia John Panetta
Jack Weir Gian Panetta
The Moraga School District Board of Trustees established a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee to review expenditures from construction activity associated with Measure V, which was approved by District voters on November 8, 2016. 
On March 5, 2024, District voters approved Measure D and the Moraga School District Board of Trustees established a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee to review expenditures for construction activity related to Measure D.
The Committees are responsible for ensuring that bond revenues are used only as voters intended and for informing the public of bond expenditures. Meetings are open to the public.  Minutes and agendas are posted on this portal at least three days prior to CBOC meetings.